Rating: 1.6
Lead-in: Local programming
Competition: NCIS (2.6 overall, 2.6 at 8:00), The Voice (4.1 overall, 3.4 at 8:00), Utopia (0.8 overall, 0.8 at 8:00), iHeartRadio Music Festival (0.4 overall, 0.4 at 8:00).
Rating: 1.2 (-25%)
Lead-in: Local programming
Competition: NCIS (2.6 overall), The Voice recap (2.5 overall), Family Guy (R) (0.9 overall), The Flash (1.9 overall).
Will this show get a second season? You make the call!
To play the game, here are your submission choices:
1) "Renew (Not Confident)" or "Cancel (Not Confident)": +1 point for a win, 0 points for a loss.
2) "Renew (Confident)" or "Cancel (Confident)": +2 points for a win, -2 points for a loss.
These choices must be locked by Wednesday, October 15 at 6:00 am ET.
3) You may also guess "Renew" or "Cancel" after the deadline, up to exactly one week later. ALL guesses in this period will be worth +1 point for a win and -1 point for a loss. You can NOT change a guess after the deadline if you submitted before the deadline.
Cancel (Confident)
Too bad, pilot was very good, and I hope the rest of episodes are too.
But not only Selfie is already at ratings for pulling off schedule, but this weak comedy block is not helping S.H.I.E.L.D. at all, maybe even hurting it,
Cancel (confident)
Being wide open six feet behind the basket represents a harder two-point scoring opportunity than this.
Cancel (Confident), obviously.
Cancel (Confident), but that's okay. There are only so many social media website that John Cho can sign up to, so 13 episodes should suffice.
Cancel (confident)
Cancel (confident)
I maintain that ABC at least had the right idea of trying a hangout comedy block away from the family-oriented Wednesday and Friday night blocks. And they avoided Fox's New Girl/Mindy Project to better help their chances (though they are setting Fox's schedule on fire in the bad way). But facing The Voice, and The Flash, coupled with a lack of overwhelming positive buzz a la Modern Family circa 2009 meant that Selfie has long odds to overcome. And it simply can't.
Cancel (Confident)
Cancel (Confident)
Cancel (confident)
Agree entirely.
Cancel (Confident)
Cancel (confident)
Cancel (Confident)
ABC has certainly tried to do that with the post-Modern Family slot with Cougar Town, Happy Endings, Don't Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23, and Suburgatory. And it certainly gave them more of a chance than if they had to try self-starting like Selfie. Maybe that's what it takes right now for broadcast TV.
I maintain that the best place for a pair of hangout comedies would be at 10 PM. The other networks don't do it. Only a couple of cable networks do it.
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