Reposting this from PIFeedback.
2008-09, including summer 2008. It's pretty hard to make a list including cable and network!

- Plenty of reasons to be worried about this show around the halfway point in this season, but the second half was almost as consistently good as the show has ever been.

- Fully deserves its Emmy.

- Went from an OK show with a great Bryan Cranston in its strike-shortened first season to a great show with a great Bryan Cranston this year.

- A perennial top 2 or 3 show for me since its inception gets knocked off a bit due to a slightly weirdly paced season and because AMC's shows are just so ridiculously good.

- This and BBT are almost interchangeable, as both have their fair share of up and down weeks.

- At times, a fairly stock procedural elevated by the cast, but it really knew how to ramp it up towards the end of its seasons. Its series finale was one of the very best episodes of 2008-09.

- It's been so long since the finale, but the final season was nice and I didn't want to leave it out of this list.

- Truly a show on the wrong network. Debuted completely DOA but was a real treat to its hundreds of thousands of viewers.

- This and the similar Leverage on TNT feel like the kinds of shows that the big networks should be greenlighting.
A few honorable mentions, not in an exact order. They wouldn't necessarily be 11 thru 15 but they were shows that I thought deserved recognition.
Reaper (CW)Leverage (TNT)24 (Fox)Fringe (Fox)Better Off Ted (ABC)
Some previous lists that I posted:
2007-08, network only:
1) The Office (NBC)
2) Lost (ABC)
3) How I Met Your Mother (CBS)
4) Life (NBC)
5) The Big Bang Theory (CBS)
6) Law & Order (NBC)
7) Boston Legal (ABC)
8) Brothers & Sisters (ABC)
9) House (Fox)
10) Desperate Housewives (ABC)
A slew of great newbies just missed the cut, including Gossip Girl (CW), Reaper (CW), Journeyman (NBC), and Miss Guided (ABC).
2006-07, including summer:
1) The Office (NBC)
2) Lost (ABC)
3) Boston Legal (ABC)
4) How I Met Your Mother (CBS)
5) Psych (USA)
6) Brothers & Sisters (ABC)
7) 30 Rock (NBC)
8) Heroes (NBC)
9) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (NBC)
10)Bones (FOX)
The best of the rest include: 1 vs. 100 (NBC), House (FOX), and Jericho (CBS).