Saturday, February 26, 2011

Demos Year-to-Year, Thursday 2/24/11

NBC had the Olympics last year. Just two more posts in which I have to say that...!

SHOW day/time SLOT previous occupant
Winter Wipeout n/a
+100% The Deep End
Grey's Anatomy n/a
+162% Grey's Anatomy (R)
Private Practice n/a
+130% Private Practice (R)

The Big Bang Theory -36% Mon 9:30 -11% Survivor
Rules of Engagement -18% Mon 8:30
CSI n/a
+23% The Mentalist (R)
The Mentalist n/a
+65% CSI (R)

American Idol (2hr) -15% Wed 8:00 +47% American Idol/Kitchen Nightmares

The Vampire Diaries n/a
+86% The Vampire Diaries (R)
Nikita n/a
+33% Supernatural (R)

HOW TO READ THIS: These are adults 18-49 rating comparisons between the date in the post title and the corresponding night in February sweeps of 2010. The "SHOW" column compares each show with how that same show did during the fourth week of February sweeps 2010, no matter where it aired in 2010. (If it aired somewhere else, I tell you when in the "day/time" column.) The "SLOT" column compares each timeslot's rating with the timeslot's rating on the corresponding night in 2010, no matter what aired there last year. (If it's different, I tell you what it is in "previous occupant.")

In case you're interested, here's the post I did on the corresponding night in 2010.

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