Timeslot | Lo | Avg | Hi | y2y | A18-49+ | Label | y2y | Results |
Wednesday 9:00 | 2.2 | 2.49 | 2.8 | -13% | 132 | hit | -3% | detail |
Rating the Ratings: After growing for most of its run, Criminal Minds took a second straight small decline in Plus this year, though it was a bit smaller than last year's drop. It was down close to this amount pretty much throughout the season, with most of the biggest drops coming in December and January; it hit some of its biggest numbers at that time in 2012-13, and some of its lowest this season. It remained CBS' #2 drama, and maybe the promising newbie Stalker at 10/9c will reinvigorate this long-intact Wednesday lineup a bit. Grade: C+.
Here's the now updated War of 18-49 post for Criminal Minds.
I would have bumped it up to a B- just because the finale was only down 3% year to year and up in Plus.
It would be nice to see FOX air Enlisted at 9:30 once to see if it could get a post Family Guy boost for the finale. Oh well
Criminal Minds held up well considering its chief competition (Law & Order: SVU) had an incredible rally and upticked in raw demo numbers this season.
Is anyone else just waiting for one of CBS' drama reruns to skew under 10% demo-wise? Or has that already happened and I missed it?
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